Hidma: Profile, Family and Naxal Movement

Hidma has emerged one of the biggest threats to the internal security of India. He is the battalion commandar of the Arms Wing of dreaded CPI – Maoists and is widely believed to be behind many dare devil attacks on Indian para military forces. He was recently in news for leading a group on around 300 Maoists near Chinta Gupha in Sukma district of Chhattisgarh killing 25 CRPF personnels.

Profile of Hidma

Hidma was born and brought up in Purvati Village of Jagargunda in the Sukma district of Chhattisgarh. His real name is still not known to security agencies. He is being named as Madvi Hidma or Hidamanna or Hidmalu or Santosh. He maintains so much secrecy that even his real age is not known. Some media reports call him a 25 years old guy. But, it is very unlikely that he is so young as his name had also featured in the grusome killing of 76 CRPF personnels in 2010. As per government records, he is 49 years old. This age seems correct.

Similarly, the family life of Hidma is not known. No one stays at his home in Purvati Village. His villagers say that he was married, but had killed his wife when she resisted him torturing innocent tribals of Bastar region. After killing his wife, he is believed to have made sexual relationship with hundreds of tribal women. His ideology doesn’t understand love. For him, the body is just about having sex.

The government has already announced reward of Rs. 40 lakhs on him.

Obviously, it is not going to be easy to catch or kill Hidma. He has already killed his wife and there is no family life for him. He is a cruel monster whose only aim is to destabilize the Indian democracy. He is making millions of money by extorting money from industrialists and contractors working in his areas. It will be interesting to see how the Government of India kill him.

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